Thursday, April 10, 2008

home coming

Sorry to leave it on such a downer note…it can just get like that sometimes…but i make it around just fine regardless of my heart aches and the absolute chaos of the delhi airport. I literally stood in lines from the second I got there to the second I sat down on the plane…but hey, made it…and time and lines and standing around aint shit after trip like this one.
The paris airport was amazing…such a stark modern contrast to the unruliness of delhi…it felt like a whole different cyber planet…full of neon modernism and highspeed rails through futuristic landscaped of spatialness at sunrise. I pondered the sleek sexiness of the modern world in all its racy French magazines, progressive looking women, and ergonomic arm chairs…even got to wince at the seven dollar water bottles and walk into the bathroom and drink out of the faucet…I never drank from the faucets in india…it would be fucking suicide…like sip…ka blammm…vaporized. So yeah, it was nice not to worry about that for once.
On the plane they served decent free red wine…not a drop of which I had in india…I didn’t care it was breakfast and i felt like shit…time and feelings irrelevant at this point in the journey…and im ready to taste the bloody berry of love and say fuck it…lets watch margot at the wedding twice and cheer ourselves up a bit. Anyways, The landing in Detroit was brilliant…they had this live video feed running from the nose of the plane so everyone could see just how sketchy landing one of those motherfucking mass coffins can get…we landed safe though and everyone burst out into applause…dry humped…collected their belongings…made it out to immigration. welcomed to Detroit…the city I was born.
Stayed there for the weekend…got picked up by my lovely parents…and went straight to grampas to sleep in the bed that my father was raised in…it always gives me nightmares. Had the rest of the gang over for a family dinner welcome back that ended up being more about politics and grama swearing and grampa disowning people then anything pertaining to my trip….but it took the pressure off…and we had some good laughs and ate the amazing food I had been dreaming about getting back to.
It was power out hour that night so we lit up some candles like back in the good old days…it brought me right back to india, sitting by the flicker with my bro, playing cow headstand, forgetting power was ever an option. After the hour, we turned all the lights back on and it was like here wait a second…did we learn nothing from this experience…we don’t need all this fancy shit to have a good time…and I mean come on…how fucking selfish are people against their own planet…a whole hour once every year…what a sacrifice…what a leep…I mean god bless the human spirit…turn the lights on…lets trash this fucking heap.
Next day went to the Detroit inst of art….they have one of the best newly restored collections ive ever scene…if you go to Detroit, appreciate it for yourself…mad compliments…art is the only redemption. Code

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