Thursday, January 24, 2008

amla bomb

We learned the importance of propagating organics at the amla farm resort jolly old binod. Had a live folk band come to entertain and we danced like possessed idiots till we would almost die and then dance some more…got some good sound bites and a clip of me dance battling little boy for the title. Swam every day in the pool and collected amla from the many thousands of trees for harvest in boiling, deseeding, drying, and crushing for powder for go selling at market. played music with the children did a photoshoot for the farms website and read from the ancient texts of organic farming. Learned of the many uses of cow dung and urine…mainly for burning, building the houses in which we stayed, and fertilizing the plants. Found the ancient recipe for fertilizer is gathering scraps from the butcher mixing with poopoo and peepee and fermenting for a few months before distributing…imagine being the lucky chap that gets to wear the sewage of death backpack sprayer unit… its like when does organic reach a point where death and poop is nectar…"at least its organic" has a whole new meaning.

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