Sunday, March 30, 2008


We left chandigar after two days, a long stay at this point in our journey, and took our last bus ride of the journey back to good old delhi…my least favorite place in India by far. On the way there we passed the delhi dump that was absolutely disgusting and reeking of India…one of the worst smelling places perhaps in the world…I generally refer to delhi as smelhi. Anyways, we ended up getting food poisoning on our last day in chandigar so we were feeling pretty fucking shitty as you could imagine after all the traveling and mayhem that we had endured over the last few months.
The delhi pollution, chaos, and heat didn’t make things any easier, but we still ventured out to the red fort for some last minute sight seeing…non of which I enjoyed cause the whole time I felt like was going to fall over die. We bought one more mini guitar in old delhi so cow headstand can keep practicing while were apart and ate nothing but fruit and water for the last couple of days cause everything else made us want to barf. I lucked out and had a flight home a day before ian, who had to endure one more miserable day in delhi. The only nice thing about being back there was the place that we stayed, the first place that we stayed in India, where we had become friends with the guesthouse boys and could go up on the roof at sunset and thank god that it was finally over…and we had endured…and saw some of the most amazing things of our lives and had taken some big risks and made it out okay.
It was awesome getting to spend three months with ian, my only and dearest brother …something we haven’t been able to do since he graduated from high school and moved to new york almost a decade ago. Its funny that it took all the way to India to bring us back together, but it finally happened, and were closer than ever, and for this I am most grateful, and if nothing else, the trip was worth it for that alone. Love you bro, thanks for all the good times. code

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