Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Haridwar was awesome…like varanasi in many ways in terms of it being a holy city on the ganga where the kumbh tours around to every twelve years. It was smaller and quieter than varanasi though…with basically no tourists and little hassle on the streets. There were tons of amazing sadhus along the canal and pilgrims bathing in the raging freezing cold holy ganga river…it was amazing…lots of bridges over the canal and temples and cotton candy and sadhus lumbering about…very colorful with monkeys and blue water and a giant shiva statue.
There was even this theme park type temple where these cute gandalas carted us up the mnt side to a temple…it was like half shopping mall half amusement park of shrines strewn about. It was a visual and cultural masterpiece to say the least. supposedly whatever you wish for here comes true…well see…I asked for a girlfriend…maybe ill even get lucky… found out today Katherine is living with her old fling from new york at their new place in Chicago and she doesn’t want me to visit her when I get back…even though it will be the closest weve lived to each other since we meet…heartbreak from a millions miles away just feels that much softer…and that’s why I thank the world for India…but who writes the stars anyways…its all make believe to me…and I don’t believe a thing.
Anyways, the food in haridwar was good…even though it made me sick…if that says anything about how India can warped your perspective and make you hard as nails…or soft as silly puddy, but somehow resilient. We left the next day on yet another bus, with plans to return to haridwar for holi, the paint throwing festival, and took an easy five hour jaunt to the next nowhere town of ponta saib to break up our travels into the mnts and the tortures busing round the bends. code

1 comment:

Twig said...

Yee ha!!!pictures!...the U.S of A misses our codeman!